Monday, September 12, 2011

Rag Dolls

I have been experimenting with different types of dolls.  After finding this tutorial, I decided I needed to give these little dolls a try!  I made them the size the pattern prints out, I did not enlarge them as the directions call for.  Here are the two I made for my kids:
2011-09-10 17.08.35.jpg
My son insisted his be blue with a bow in her hair.  I really like these little ones.  The felt hair is fun too, so many possibilities!  Plus it's a great way to use up the bits and pieces of beautiful fabric I have been unable to part with.


vivienne said...

These are fantastic!

I've been wanting to make a doll for my nephew...I'm going to have to check out this tutorial! Thanks for sharing this!

Heather P said...

I know, aren't these the cutest? Send me a photo when you finish yours!